Archive for the ‘Branding’ Category

When it comes to social media marketing, most major brands have Facebook and Twitter down, but are a bit more challenged when it comes to Instagram. As of a few months ago, it was reported that 40% of the top 100 brands are utilizing the app for marketing purposes. But how many get it right? […]

Last week it was announced that Hilton Hotels and Resorts and Onion Labs, the creative services arm of the publishing company and popular satire news website the Onion, teamed up to create Hilton’s newest online marketing campaign to lure in young leisure travelers. Taking a humorous approach, the campaign is centered around a website called […]

This week at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show, Polaroid announced its goal to bring tangibility back to photography, with the launch of Polaroid Fotobar, a chain of retail stores where consumers can easily print out their favorite images from their mobile phones. The company has partnered with startup Fotobar in order to open 10 locations […]

If you’re an urban dwelling, twentysomething female like myself, you’re likely well aware that HBO’s second season of Girls premieres in t-minus five days. Interestingly, the marketing surrounding Girls’ new season is much more aggressive compared to the show’s debut last year. While the first season of Girls was framed as a TV show illustrating […]

There’s been so much discussion about how our personal data is being tracked and collected online lately, that it’s easy to forget how valuable our “real life” movement and behavior can be. The New York Times has a really interesting glimpse into what the not-so-distant future of offline data collection might look like. “Imagine Walt […]